Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Babe in the Woods: Building a Life One Log at a Time by Yvonne Wakefield

Babe in the Woods: Building a Life One Log at a Time by Yvonne Wakefield

from Goodreads, about the author:

At the age of 18 Yvonne built a log cabin in the Oregon mountains, and is currently working on a series of three books about this and subsequent experiences of building with logs and living in the wilderness. Like Suitcase Filled with Nails, these books will include print on demand images of her art work, a concept Yvonne is pioneering in the publishing world.

Yvonne divides her time between this log cabin, a studio built in a renovated apple ware house and a home/studio on the Columbia River in The Dalles Oregon.


My review: This is an awesome book, that kept me fully engaged from the 1st laugh-out-loud chapter to the end.  Yvonne has a wonderfully descriptive writing style that enables you to see the places and people in her book.  I found it so interesting and well written, I read it in a couple of days.  Her dream of a cabin at age 14 was a fixed point and dream for her to focus on that helped her get past the death of her parents. It was a way to heal, even in the midst of the difficulties she encountered actually moving her dream out of her head and into concrete realization.  There were also the very real emotional struggles, the process of working through them, as we all must in this messy world.  I am eagerly waiting for books 2 and 3!  Her dogged determination is wonderful and inspiring.  We can all learn a lesson in not giving up in the blackest of times, the sun will always shine again and healing does come.

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