Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hello All!

This is my new blog. Welcome and I hope my posts interest all of you.  Welcome to my reading corner! I have joined an ebook community called NetGalley that shares free ebooks before they are released, if you are a professional reader, ie (from their website):

"Do you love to discover new books? Do you review and recommend books online, in print, for your bookstore, library patrons, blog readers, or classroom? Then you are what we call a "professional reader," and NetGalley is for you. Registration is free, and allows you to request or be invited to read titles, often advance reading copies, on your favorite device.
Are you a publisher, author, or PR professional launching a new title, series or season? NetGalley offers a way to provide secure, digital versions of your titles to our community of professional readers, and your own contacts.
Our imperative is to design programs and features that help professional readers be effective influencers, and provide more information to publishers about how early reading ignites buzz and promotes sales." 
  I get a good book and the author generates readership, a buzz about their books and good word of mouth.
This suits me well as I have been an avid reader since a child. 
Hope you all enjoy!  Ciao for now! 

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