Sunday, January 29, 2017

Stormy Weather by Glen Ebisch

Stormy Weather by Glen Ebisch

From the Goodreads Synopsis:

When the body of Travis Lambert, senior meteorologist for a local television station, is found buried in a shallow grave next to the house of Stormy McCloud, junior meteorologist, things look bad for her. When the station hires Chance Malone to investigate the murder, her situation doesn’t improve. Malone is attractive, charming, and funny, all qualities that Stormy’s past experience with men has led her to avoid. It also doesn’t help that Stormy has little background or interest in religion, while Malone is the unusual private detective who has a Bible in his desk drawer rather than a bottle of scotch. When Stormy’s estranged mother appears on the scene, she also must decide whether to have a relationship with the woman who deserted her as a child. As the story proceeds, more is learned about the dark secrets of Travis’ life, and Stormy is forced to reconsider her view of men, her mother and her future.


My Review:

This was a nice light read, I finished it in a couple of days.  Nothing too heavy, in fact it read quite a bit like a YA book.  It flowed fairly well but it was sometimes a little distracting when the author would switch on calling the detective by first then last name off and on, first calling him Chance then alternatively just Malone, I had to remind myself that they were one and the same rather than that the story had switched to another character.  Fairly good descriptive work in making the characters and the scenery 3-dimensional.  The author also could have used a few more dialogue tags in my opinion so we could better tell who was speaking, it interrupted the flow a bit. Not too badly but enough you could notice it. Overall a solid 3 stars out of 5, I would read this author again. ** I received this book from in exchange for an honest review**